Dmitriy first saw Katelyn from across the room, one snowy October night about five years ago, at a Halloween party. They hit it off and a few days later, found themselves on their first date at a restaurant in Dmitriy’s neighborhood–The Dandelion. After dinner, neither of them wanted to say goodbye quite yet, so they moved their conversation to a bar down the street. Kate remembers that the little candle on their cozy table was blown out so many times from their enthusiastic conversation and bits of laughter, their waiter made a point of keeping his lighter handy for its constant re-light.

In the following weeks and months, as they spent more and more time together, the bond and feelings between Kate and Dima blossomed and grew naturally. In those early days, when Dima traveled to Istanbul, he found himself wanting to include Kate in his daily adventures. Even though worlds apart, he wrote her every few days to maintain their connection and make plans for their future.

“I loved her more and more, we made plans for now, and months from now, and years from now…as far as I’m concerned, we’re already married—our lives are intertwined in ways that are inseparable…we are going to be together forever.” —Dima
Last summer, on the final day of vacation at Acadia National Park, Dima, suggested that they watch the sunrise together. While on a bench snuggling and looking out over the water, Dima pulled out a leather-bound journal explaining that he’d like to use the shared journal to document important moments and share their feelings with each other. When Kate opened it, there was an entry already scribbled in its first pages. It read, “August 7th, 2015 On a breezy day, in Maine, we got engaged watching the sunrise. It was the start of a new day, and of our new family and of everything MERT.” (MERT is Kate and Dima’s special word that means, “something happy, and positive…something wonderful”) Kate, looked up to see Dima down on both knees presenting a ring and a promise of forever.

Just like on their first date, Kate and Dima’s effervescent emotion and excitement was present again, for all to see, at their romantically lit Front & Palmer wedding ceremony this April.

Affectionate by nature, there was no better reading to include in their ceremony, than e.e. cummings’ “i carry your heart”, a promise and a reminder they had also inscribed into the inner bands of their wedding rings.

Kate enters with her father, to Ingrid Michaelson’s “I Can’t Help Falling In Love”

Dima thanked his parents who left Belarus to give him a better life here in the United States.

When I asked the newlyweds, who are currently living in New Zealand what their favorite part of their wedding day was, they said:

For Dmitriy, the ceremony was his favorite part–particularly when Kate read her vows to him. And she agrees, “The ceremony was, without a doubt, the best part of the day and exchanging our vows in front of all of our loved ones was very special. But my favorite part was actually after we both read our vows: when we exchanged our rings and the moments that followed, leading up to our first kiss (and OH, that kiss!! ). We were both so, so joyful..with huge grins, just bursting with excitement. In fact, thanks to Lovesick..I can see that we were in fact bouncing with joy! Our day was filled with blissful moments, but I don’t know that anything can top that.

So, what exactly did Kate and Dima promise each other while standing under the gorgeous living suspended chuppah designed by Papertini? Here they are in their entirety:
Katelyn’s Vows:
Ever indecisive, I often struggle with the simplest decisions. But this decision, arguably the biggest of my life, marrying you, has been the easiest one I’ve ever made. You are an exceptional man and I frequently find myself in awe of you. You’re strong and smart, humble and sweet. You’re disciplined and ambitious, spontaneous and fun. Meeting you has been my greatest joy. You are my balance, my source of strength and my inspiration. I am a better person because of you. Dmitriy, you are the love of my life.
So, today and always:
I promise to give you my deepest love, to choose you everyday, understanding that over the years we may encounter obstacles, but what we have is worth the work.
I promise to share in your dreams, to believe in you, to challenge you and to support you as you pursue greatness.
I promise to remain ambitious, always striving to offer my best self to you, to our marriage, and to our family.
On your worst days, I promise to embrace you, to lend you strength, and to help you move forward.
On your best days, I promise to laugh with you, to celebrate with you, and to do happy dances by your side.
I cannot wait to be your wife. I cannot wait to have beautiful, big headed, half-Russian babies with you. And I cannot wait to live the rest of my life by your side.
Я люблю тебя навсегда.

Dmitriy’s Vows:
Kate, every day I wake up with the knowledge of how truly lucky I am. I look over at you lying next to me and I understand that of all the luck that I have experienced over my life, and I have been incredibly fortunate, meeting you has been the serendipity that will define me, my happiness, my meaning.
Nobody’s married life is perfect, or so I’m told. So I won’t promise you unrealistic perfection. And promising you my love and devotion will seem redundant; you’ve had it for several years now, and I will continue to only love you more as the years go on.
But I will promise to do my best to make our marriage perfect in our own special way, to keep making you smile and never take myself too seriously, to build a life with you, surrounded with those we love, that will be fulfilled and enchanted; that you and I, we will take on the world.
I promise you a blissful happiness in old age, when you will look back on our life together, the family we built, the adventures we had, the mountains we made seem like molehills, you will look back and know that I have loved you and treasured you more than words can describe.
I adore you, you are my joy, I carry your heart, I carry it in my heart.

Oh, and the Lovesick video? I could not agree more. It is beyond dreamy. Kate and Dmitriy, Final Cut on Vimeohttps://vimeo.com/lovesickinc/review/173086637/01999d7d47

“She’s kind and sensitive, loyal and hard-working, innocent and easily delighted, she has a contagious thirst for life and experience and is beautiful inside and out. This is a woman who loves deeply, who understands you fundamentally, supports you when you reach and, when needed, gives you a nudge in the right direction.”–Alisa Tongg, Celebrant

“He’s kind and strong, unbelievably intelligent, hard-working, determined, and generous with his affection. This is a man who thrives when challenged and makes you feel loved every single day. He’s inspired you to strive for more than you ever thought possible. He’s simply, ‘the best person’ you know. He’s your favorite part of every day.” — Alisa Tongg, Celebrant
Congratulations Kate and Dima on such a beautiful start to your marriage. May your life and all of your adventures together leave you fulfilled and enchanted. Love to you!!! xo
Venue: Front & Palmer
Photographer: Werth Photography
Cinematography: Lovesick, Inc
Officiant: Alisa Tongg, Celebrant
Florist: Papertini Floral Event Design
DJ: DJ-Scratch Weddings