Tiffany + Mark, Building A Life Together

Tiffany and Mark were married at Mountain Springs Lake Resort, in Stroudsburg, PA on a beautiful day.

After initially being introduced through eHarmony, and exchanging a few e-mails, Mark and Tiffany decided to officially meet in person. Tiffany’s first impression of Mark was that, besides being “obviously good looking”, that she and Mark had “similar goals in life … there was something fun and unpredictable about him that she liked.”

One month later after their first date, Tiffany, sure of Mark’s character and also of their future together, perked up when Robin Thicke’s “Lost Without You” came on the radio. “I want to play this at OUR wedding” she said. Surprised that she had said “Our wedding” and not “My wedding”, Mark remembers forgetting how to breathe for a moment.

It wouldn’t take long for Mark to recover though; he remembers realizing one day that he just “couldn’t live without Tiffany.” A surprise proposal during a family trip to the Outer Banks, happened shortly after.

Tiffany chose a sophisticated rustic theme to go along with the surprise finale to her wedding ceremony. Alisa Tongg, Celebrant. DeLorenzo Photography

Ring Blessing, guests have a chance to infuse their own wishes and prayers into the rings before Mark and Tiffany exchange them. Alisa Tongg Celebrant. DeLorenzo Photography

Over the past four years, as they have begun to build a life together, Mark says, “we both saw each other through some tough situations and had a lot of good times too.” A future without the other had become impossible to imagine.

Through it all, Mark says, “I want people to see that Tiff and I are two committed, hardworking, fun individuals who have the strength to live a long happy life together.”

“I take you to be my best friend, my faithful partner, my husband and my one true love. I promise to encourage you and inspire you and to love you truly through good times and bad. I will forever be there to laugh with you and lift you up when you’re down. And I promise to love you,  unconditionally through all of our adventures in life together.” Tiffany and Mark make vows to each other. Alisa Tongg Celebrant. DeLorenzo Photography.

“Mark, the woman whose hands you hold loves you very much. She’s serious and smart, organized, steady and beautiful inside and out. She is the most kind-hearted person you know. A loyal partner, in her you’ve found your perfect counterpart.”—Alisa Tongg, Celebrant

Log Sawing For Cooperation

Both the bride and groom have family roots in Germany, and with their personal emphasis on balance, family and partnership, they were excited to finish their ceremony with a finale that was sure to leave a lasting impression with their guests. Mark and Tiffany partook in a German tradition where a newly wed couple saws a log in half. 

Tiffany’s brothers brought two saw horses and a log out in to the center of the ceremonial space and held down the log in the back. Mark and Tiffany each grabbed a handle on an antique two man saw and started on their task of cutting the log in half. Alisa Tongg Celebrant. DeLorenzo Photography.

“This act is a physical representation of their promise to overcome life’s obstacles together and is also a good reminder to appreciate how your differences can compliment your relationship. Tiffany and Mark you’ll need to be equal partners in order for your tools to work and to ultimately accomplish this task.”—Alisa Tongg, Celebrant. DeLorenzo Photography.

And with a little help from their family and friends, Mark and Tiffany easily overcame their first obstacle together as a married couple.  Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Wells!

“Mark and I have similar goals for the future. We want to have children and build a family. Mark will be an excellent father and husband, and I couldn’t ask for more. We’ll be an awesome balance with our different personalities. I couldn’t imagine my life without him.”—Tiffany

These once in a lifetime moments were captured by DeLorenzo Photography at the elegant Mountain Springs Lake Resort.

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